Sculpture - Snow Sculptures

Snow Cat 1

I hate ‘Keep it simple and appropriate’ as that translates as bland, boring and insignificant. When it snows I’m not satisfied with get it over with a two ball and a carrot snowmen.

I want put in the hours to produce something I can be proud of & gets noticed.

Familiar with cats having had 2, when there was heavy snow I produced a sitting cat over a few hours taking into account anatomy mostly with bare gloved hands & a year or two later made the snow cat head that was published in local and university press.

Snow Cat Head & Alien

Given the opportunity of a lot of snow I first  produced the Cat Head.

Yobs smashed it up instead or making their own that could be better. As a screw you I rebuilt it into the better alien head in the morning. This attracted the attention of over a hundred people stopping to take photos and of the student and local press. 

Snow Cat

This year there was very little snow only about 2 inches. Enough to create snow kitten here.

The time with a stick skeleton to help the neck and tail.

Worked more in the body this time

Original Cat Development

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